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Glide-ON (or not)

a close up of a sign

Life-choices are incredible & overwhelming, we enjoy them every day.  Or not.  Each moment of choice represents an opportunity to look into a mirror @ yourself and @ your family, and @ your choices.

Writing a blog is not my natural choice, due primarily to being a man-cave kinda introvert.  Except that my man-cave is often getting outdoors, being active. Certainly not just talking about myself, which seems to me a part of what bloggers might do.  I hope not.

So, “WELCOME”, to my digital living-room (on an iPad)! Just starting here has been quite a challenge, but I do love challenges, mostly simply trying to make them less so.  Thank you for being here with me (yikes)!

I have a few people to thank who inspired me to get to this “blog”, mostly young folks and savvy digital operatives.  You know who you are.  Your names begin with Lindsey, Lauren (two), Sarah, CC, Hal (the other one), and God. That’s right, some not so young.   I do apologize to the blog influences I have not listed here (especially those that should be).

So let’s “Blog-ON”, shall we?  Is this what talking to yourself sounds like?  Do I always then need to be perfectly clear, you think?  Let’s begin with TEA (Triad ECO Adventures), which can be perfectly unclear at times, too.

The thing about TEA is listening to our customer market, when we can get them to speak (& we learn how to listen).  Customers do ROCK.  And so does this area we call the Piedmont.  Or the Triad.  Or, perhaps, Winston & Salem & Greensboro & High-Point (this latter not being separated, not yet).  What’s in a name, anyway?  Some have suggested “nothing”, (not me).

Any area is about the PEOPLE, hopefully the many terrific ones!  And we certainly are abundant here in wonderful PEOPLE.  Some days we discover more of those than others.  So TEA is about discovering, in an adventurous kinda way.  What FUN, if you let it be.  What challenge (yikes).

How about YOU, how do YOU challenge yourself?  What arbitrary limits have YOU set for yourself?  Might YOU have thought about this before? TODAY?

Well, BLOG #1 is “done”.  Roasted (ironically, from a coffee shop).  How did that feel? I’m not sure, either, but it is DONE.  Onto another set of challenges, this day.  But I’ll be back (& I hope you will too)!

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